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Pointe Coupee home receives attention for flying upside-down American flag

1 day 21 hours 12 seconds ago Sunday, March 23 2025 Mar 23, 2025 March 23, 2025 8:57 PM March 23, 2025 in News
Source: WBRZ

POINTE COUPEE — A home in Pointe Coupee Parish has received a lot of attention on social media for flying an upside-down American flag.

Brad and Velvette Talley said they have been flying the upside-down flag in their front yard for almost two weeks. They said this is their way of peacefully protesting — exercising their rights to freedom of speech.

"We stand for love for everybody. We are not on the side of left or right. We're on the side of the marginalized and those overlooked by society," Velvette said.

Along with the upside-down American flag, they are flying Ukrainian and Palestinian flags. The two said they are protesting many issues from the mistreatment of Americans to the country supporting genocides and invasions of other countries. 

The couple said they have been receiving backlash on social media.

“People were saying on Facebook that they should shoot us, burn the house down. Somebody said they saw me wearing a turban – I’ve never worn a turban in my life,” Brad said.

According to the U.S. flag code statute eight, the flag should never be displayed upside down except as a signal of distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

One veteran said it is upsetting and frustrating to see the flag displayed this way and that it symbolizes the country is at war.

Brad said he’s a veteran – serving tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and understands the flag code well. He said his feelings are complex.

“The first time I actually saw it from the road I got a knot in my stomach, I don’t like to see it like that. I love my country,” he said.

The pair said they're inviting any and everyone to engage in civil conversations about their message.

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