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Pointe Coupee law enforcement bringing in extra security for Mardi Gras celebrations

2 weeks 11 hours 29 minutes ago Friday, February 28 2025 Feb 28, 2025 February 28, 2025 8:36 PM February 28, 2025 in News
Source: WBRZ

POINTE COUPEE - Law enforcement officials in Pointe Coupee are bringing in additional units from all around the state to assist with security for their Mardi Gras celebrations, which is one of the oldest in the state.

Parish officials say their celebrations have brought in more than 100,000 visitors to the parish each of the last few years, which is about five times the total population of the parish. In addition, this year will feature an additional parade, the Krewe De Chemin Neuf, which will take place Saturday at 6 p.m. in New Roads.

"It's got all the bells and whistles that you expect with a night parade with some really exciting grand marshal's," Krewe spokeswoman Virginia Monceret said. 

Pointe Coupee Sheriff Rene' Thibodeaux says they'll have around 100 to 150 officers and deputies, along with K-9 units and units in plain clothes.

"Everywhere from Marksville, Alexandria, as high as Desoto Parish, Richland Parish, and many others. We get a bunch of help from north Louisiana because they don't have as many Mardi Gras'. Our posse from Pointe Coupee Sheriff's office, a mounted posse on horses, and then West Baton Rouge is bringing their posse also and that's a great thing for crowd control leading the parades, walking alongside the float. So we got a bunch of manpower," Thibodeaux said.

Some of the additional agencies are coming for Saturday night's parade, with many more coming for Tuesday's parades. Thibodeaux also said he was on the phone with West Feliciana Sheriff Brian Spillman, who says he'll have units down in Pointe Coupee helping.

"On Tuesday, we'll have his command post set up and my Pointe Coupee command post set up," Thibodeaux said.

There will also be multiple drones in the sky checking on all the streets. Sheriff Thibodeaux says that, in the past, Livingston Parish Sheriff Jason Ard has sent his agency's helicopter to assist.

"They are scheduled to help, but we're concerned about the weather. That day it may be a little too windy for the helicopter," Thibodeaux said.

Sheriff Thibodeaux says people should get to the parades early on Tuesday as roads will begin to close at 10 a.m. Last year, crowds were so large that it was hard to get into New Roads after 9:30 a.m. Tuesday's parades begin at 11 a.m.

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