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State opens warehouse to streamline donation process

8 years 6 months 2 weeks ago Friday, August 26 2016 Aug 26, 2016 August 26, 2016 9:20 AM August 26, 2016 in News
Source: WBRZ

BATON ROUGE - The state has opened a warehouse to take donations from locals along with items from people and businesses across the country following the flood disaster.

The warehouse is being operated as a partnership with the state and Louisiana VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster). Adventist Community Services, a National and Louisiana State VOAD partner is managing the warehouse operations, supported by an AmeriCorps team. From the warehouse, donations will then be distributed out to support the efforts of non-profits, shelters, and parishes as they respond to the needs in their communities.

The warehouse is located at 9550 Dawnadele Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70809. The building shares spaces with Crescent Crown distributors, behind Costco off Airline. Donations are taken at the warehouse everyday but Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How you can help:

A truly compassionate response is based on what is really needed by the survivors of disaster, not assumptions. Confirm the need before collecting and shipping goods. Always arrange logistics in advance to ensure that the shipments can be accepted when they arrive as to not create any delays.

Items always needed:

Canned or non-perishable food, sports drinks, personal care items, work gloves, disposable baby diapers, baby food/formula, can openers (manual), plastic ware, paper products, blankets, disposable adult diapers, cleaning supplies, dust masks, heavy rubber kitchen gloves, flashlights and fresh batteries, non-sterile surgical gloves, mops, brooms, snow shovels, hand tools, kitchen items (new sets of pots and pans/cooking utensils). If unsure, just ask.

What is NOT needed:

There is NO need for new or used clothing.

How to get it to us:

We are encouraging businesses and groups to put together a truckload of supplies. This is the most effective way to make a difference. There is no funding to pay for shipping, so look for a business or trucker willing to donate a trip. Once you have a truck planned and know when it is ready to leave, it is essential that to coordinate logistics before the truck leaves. We need to know a detailed inventory of contents, precise time it will leave, departure point, and estimated time of arrival. All truckloads of donations must be coordinated at least 48 hours in advance of arrival.

How to Pack Materials:

Pack donations so they are not damaged in transit and are easily handled. Pack materials in cardboard cartons. Fill each carton with the same kind of item; mark it clearly with a large marker or other method, such as large paper labels. Organize canned goods by type. Use cartons of small to medium sizes so they are manageable. Maximum weight should not exceed 30 pounds. Be careful not to overfill cartons. Pack cartons in trucks so they will not be easily crushed in transit. Shrink-wrapped loads on pallets are preferred.

Before dropping off donations, residents are asked to schedule their arrival. People can contact the warehouse on the phone 225-800-2227, or email at two addresses: 2016flooddonations@gmail.com or james.ballow@la.gov.


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